Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The LIST -- 101 in 1001

(143 weeks/33 months)
(Begin 7/1/10 – End 3/27/13)

1. Catch up on newspapers; Keep no more than 2 weeks (unless after vacation)
2. Finish sorting & organizing sewing room by 7/9/10.
3. Put up shelves etc. in sewing room.
4. Organize 3rd floor, sufficiently for a bedroom, by 7/21/10.
5. Empty storage space by 9/1/10.
6. Organize basement.  Spend minimum of 2 hrs. per week until complete.
7. Get rid of at least one thing daily (discard, sell, or donate).
8. Get Besta cabinets for DVDs from Ikea, preferably by 7/21/10.
9. Deal with books (discard, sell, or donate).
10. Deal with vintage clothes (sell or donate).
11. Clean out garage by 12/31/10.

12. Finish small things around house (towel racks, clocks, etc.) by 7/21/10.
13. Paint D#2’s room.
14. Fix plaster & paint my bedroom.
15. Re-paper bathroom.
16. Have lamps in bathroom replaced by electrician.
17. Plant shrubs around front porch & more perennials/shrubs in back yard.
18. Have deck power-washed and stained.
19. Have chimney flue for furnace relined.
20. Have electrical work done.
21. Purchase gas stove and have it installed.
22. Reopen door to powder room from kitchen.
23. Remove carpet from basement and basement steps.
24. Remove carpet from rest of house.

25. Sort and file all bills and papers by 9/1/10.
26. Keep up with filing monthly.
27. Enter checking account data, balance accounts, close old checking account. 
28. Keep up balancing checking account at least bi-monthly.
29. Get divorced before end of 2010, before mid-November 2010, if possible.
30. Make a will.
31. Get car & health insurance and cell phone plans separated from H..
32. Monitor mortgage interest rates; refi (15 yr?) when fixed rates drop.

33. Exercise at least 2 times weekly.  Increase to 3 times after 6 or fewer months.
34. Check out nearby fitness centers.  Join if OK location with reasonable fees.
35. Purchase stationary bike & cheap television for basement.
36. Resume taking vitamins daily.
37. Schedule overdue colonoscopy before end of 2010.
38. Stop at doctor’s office for cardiogram. 

39. Cut and mail senior pictures – both D#1’s and D#2’s.
40. Write catch-up letter to distant friends before Christmas 2010.
41. Help D#2 get her driver’s license.
42. Help D#1 get her driver’s license.
43. Attend last A.University “Family Weekend” (Fall 2010).
44. Attend “Family Weekend” at M.College(each year).
45. Attend D#1’s college graduation (2011).
46. Attend Godson’s high school graduation (2011).
47. Make photo collage of D#2 for Dr. S.

48. Watch 125 movies/DVDs.
49. Read 60 books, including at least 30 that I currently own and 10 from the library.
50. Take D#1 and D#2 to Chick-Fil-A and movie at least once a year.
51. Go to movies alone at least once a year.

52. Go to shore for at least a day each summer.
53. Go dancing with A.M.
54. Go to NYC for play or musical at least once a year.
55. Go to a concert other than C.A. at least once a year.
56. Go on one pleasure trip of at least 5 days by myself.
57. Take D#1 alone on trip to a new place for at least 3 days.
58. Take D#2 alone on trip to a new place for at least 3 days.
59. Take both on trip, maybe to new place for at least 3 days.
60. Eat at restaurants with 3 new ethnic cuisines: Moroccan, Ethiopian?, Turkish?
61. Go to Paducah, KY for big quilt show.
62. Attend a Phillies game.
63. Visit Mutter Museum.
64. Visit University of Pennsylvania Museum (Egyptian section at least).

65. Catch up on birthday blocks and stay caught up.
66. Finish baby quilt for Mr. S’s daughter.
67. Finish baby quilt for Mrs. M’s son.
68. Make baby quilt for A.M.’s granddaughter.
69. Make quilt for C.B.
70. Make 3rd curtain for my room & for D#2’s room.
71. Finish t-shirt quilt for D#1.
72. Make quilt for D#2’s new room.
73. Make t-shirt quilt for D#2.
74. Make quilt for sponsored child from ChildFund.
75. Cut scrap fabric into usable units (strips, blocks, etc.).
76. Make new quilt and curtains for my bedroom.
77. Set 1 set of swap blocks into quilt top.
78. Make 1 quilt top from scraps.
79. Buy a “jelly roll” and make a quilt top from it.
80. Bring quilt photo albums up-to-date and keep them current.
81. Make quilt for Godson for graduation (2011).
82. Give all the Uvulati a small gift.

83. Have a house blessing ceremony
84. Increase monthly charitable donations by minimum of $10 per year.
85. Donate minimum of $500 to church in honor of C.M. on or before 4/12/11.
86. Donate extra fabric to ASHS.
87. Co-lead D-Circle (Fall 2010-Spring 2012).
88. Do something pro-active for eating disorders awareness.
89. Give blood at least once a year.
90. Read the Bible daily during Lent.
91. Take Stephen Minister training.
92. Write letters to all 4 sponsored children (PLANUSA/ChildFund).
93. Find a place to volunteer and do it weekly for at least 6 months.

94. Take some type of music lessons (voice, guitar, or harmonica) for minimum of 6 months.
95. Take a yoga or dance class.
96. Learn to load music on my MP3 player.
97. Learn to ride a bike.
98. Learn to upload photos and print out selections.
99. Post this “Day Zero” list in a blog & update list at least monthly.
100. Learn how to add photos to a blog; do it.
101. Write and add at least one blog post a month.

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Progress report: Month 6 (October 2019)

1. ... basement -- Continued work on/in it 2. ... sort/discard -- Discarded/gave away 22 5. ... Clean & reorganize garage &...